View Full Version : Non-medication alternatives

04-14-2013, 12:35 AM
So long- short got some internal hemorrhoids used creams and cushions to take care of it. However after sitting I still would gradually develop pain. Turns out it was my coccyx pressing against the muscles in the area and since I had been babying them they had atrophied to a point. So doc said stop everything, man up and the muscles would get stronger and I should be back to normal. I however hate passive healing, if there is something I can do to get better faster I will.

Well Kegels did the trick.

Turns out this simple exercise can help in many ways, not just hemorrhoid/ coccyx issues. It strengthens those muscles and also increases blood flow to the area.

So any one know of any other non medication based treatments out there for some common issues that one might find to be impairing or even life threatening out in the field?

04-14-2013, 04:12 AM
Acupuncture and accupressure help for a lot of stuff. I've found that certain points (such as the webbing between the forefinger and thumb) are highly responsive to even my untrained hands, and I've used that point to treat headaches and nausea related to dehydration and hyperacidity, usually not completely of course, but enough to be noticeable and to help put my mind (or whoever I've just recommended it to) at ease until something else can be done to make them more comfortable.

Such points tend to be most effective, in my experience, at relieving nerve-pain and deep muscle and joint pain. Does it do much else? Maybe, but I've not messed around with anything long term.

In addition, I have a so-called "yuppie/granola/hippie" friend who is all into new-age religion and eastern medicine. It may sound odd, but if you leave the spiritualism out of it (or leave it in, if that's your thing, I'm just agnostic about that part and focus on the physiology of it) some of the types of joint manipulations, pressure-point activations, and deep-tissue massages that are used under the premise of "channeling and cleansing spiritual energy" are actually remarkable about revitalizing one's physical state. I used to have a tremendously stiff neck after several months of chronic stress started getting to me, but then she pulled one of her "your chakras are out of alignment" things and I felt better for the next several weeks. It's worked on my wrists after sprains, muscle-cramps after sports injuries, and its all pretty remarkable.

My feeling is that those eastern religious/medical traditions are based largely off of the visible physical effects of what was once trial and error, and is now associated with religious principles due to how much like divine intervention some of that stuff can be. Any type of non-medication treatment that is similar in nature to physical-therapy, yoga, accupressure, or any such thing seems to have a lot of potential to me, so I'd look into that if I were you.

04-14-2013, 02:42 PM
Intresting I would be much for acupuncture out in the field asking for an infection but acupressure might be a good idea.

04-15-2013, 03:36 AM
The other thing about acupuncture is that it's best left to a professional, but amateurs can safely experiment with most of this other stuff.