View Full Version : "The Far Side" in the woods

03-04-2008, 01:13 PM
What kind of funny things have you guys seen out in the woods that reminded you of Gary Larson wildlife cartoons, like the deer catching his antlers on a branch as he jumps over a tree?

Last fall, I found a poplar sapling with a freshly broken off crown and claw marks all the way up the trunk. Apparently a bear had climbed way to the top and then its weight broke off the crown, taking the bear down to the ground with it.

03-04-2008, 01:56 PM
One time I saw an otter dive for his slide and miss, skidded for about two feet in snow and came flying out of there yammering. He missed the slide by only a few inches, less than a foot for sure, so he jumped over sideways to get back on it and went sliding down all out of kilter, hit the water with a big splash. Usually they're so graceful, it was hilarious. I wish I could have understood what he was saying when he came out of that snow (shake his little fist and say "why I otter...! sorry had to get that in before Rick did)

They're really funny little guys, I've had them swim up beside my canoe and pick arguments. I don't argue back (no point, different languages) I just splash water in their faces with the blade of my paddle.

03-04-2008, 01:59 PM
I saw a squirell jump for a branch once and miss, he fell about thirty feet and slammed into the ground, shook his head and skirtered off again. Saw a beaver gnaw a tree down and it fell smashing into his den/dam and it just stood there looking at it for a moment.

03-04-2008, 05:19 PM

03-04-2008, 05:50 PM
I saw two squirrels chasing each other up a really tall fir tree, 50 to 60 feet tall, at the very top was one limb that grow out allot farther than the rest. One squirrel raced to the end of it and the other crashed into the first sending him at least 30 feet to the ground. About three feet from the ground this squirrel catches the very tip of another limb, gets slapped into the ground, then flung back into the air by the limb it had grabbed, then lands flat on its belly on the ground. It had to have knocked the wind out of it since it was in no big hurry to move at first. A couple minutes later he tears off back up the tree after the other one, chattering a mile a minute, I dont think it was friendly squirrel talk either. It was histarical watching these two go at it all afternoon.