View Full Version : What will you do ?

03-01-2008, 01:36 AM
What will you do when the Government ask you to let them put a ID chip in you and they will some day a year or three drown the road . But will you be chipped ? So you can buy and sale ? That is when all that we know about Survival and Evasion we will need if you do not take the chip . So what will you do ???

03-01-2008, 01:39 AM
Sounds like a big shoot outs coming at my place.

03-01-2008, 01:44 AM
i think somebody's been watching too many armageddon documentary specials, but meh, push come to shove, alaska's an awfully big place i feel awfully at home in. it'd not really be bugging out, since i've been trying to end up back there for years anyway.

03-01-2008, 03:17 AM
Will I never thought if it as an Armageddon story but if it makes you fill better then go for it . They are all ready doing it to dogs are some farm animals and there has been talk of chipping child molesters . Some scientist are doing it to them selfs so that their buildings know when they are there . Add... people would love it , as you walk drown the street you will be scanned ., the store will then know all of your likes and dislikes and how much money you have :eek::D

03-01-2008, 03:28 AM
it's been featured in several such documentaries, in support of the Revelation 13:16-17.

03-01-2008, 06:59 AM
What will you do when the Government ask you to let them put a ID chip in you and they will some day a year or three drown the road . But will you be chipped ? So you can buy and sale ? That is when all that we know about Survival and Evasion we will need if you do not take the chip . So what will you do ???

I don't accept the premise that this technology will be used in the way that you say. Sure it's avilable with some limitations now, and I'm sure the technology will be improved upon and expanded. I just do not believe this will take place in the way you speculate in your post.

03-01-2008, 08:50 AM
Actually.......Radio Frequency Identification Devices (RFIDS) are being used today....albeit on a voluntary basis.


And it some cases, it would make a great deal of sense. If you had an uncommon disease , for example, an implanted RFID might give medical personnel instant access to your medical records should you be unable to speak. ALL your medical records. The amount of data these little guys can store is pretty amazing.

I don't ever see the government mandating their use for the masses. Can you image being a Senator and ABN News break that story? How many phone calls and threatening letters do you think you would receive? No Congressman would ever vote for that.

Still, it does raise some interesting questions about limited use.

03-01-2008, 09:30 AM
Not in my life time. At least for me.

I see some uses for it! Knowning where some people are 24/7 might not be a bad thing. Lets start with everyone wanting to run for political office!


03-01-2008, 11:24 AM
You're already chipped, ya just don't know it.

03-01-2008, 11:57 AM
ill use a pound or 2 of homemade rdx, nitroglycerine, or c4 and blow up anything that tries to put a chip in me. if they persist ill go into the muntains with a .50 BMG semi auto sniper and a silencer. everything i joke about on anarchist cookbook will turn into reality realllllly quick. pray it doesnt happen, for all our sakes.

I seriously doubt that that kind of law will be passed because more then 30% of the population breaks laws on a daily basis, this number escalates to 70% if its only politicians and law enforcement.

03-01-2008, 02:57 PM
ill use a pound or 2 of homemade rdx, nitroglycerine, or c4 and blow up anything that tries to put a chip in me. if they persist ill go into the muntains with a .50 BMG semi auto sniper and a silencer. everything i joke about on anarchist cookbook will turn into reality realllllly quick. pray it doesnt happen, for all our sakes.

I seriously doubt that that kind of law will be passed because more then 30% of the population breaks laws on a daily basis, this number escalates to 70% if its only politicians and law enforcement.

Dude someone needs to unplug your keyboard. A 16 year old with a silenced .50 cal,2# of homemade nitro and don't forget the steel boots for kicking wolverines to death, and your machette. I'd have left ya in the woods too.

03-01-2008, 05:13 PM
Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.........................Marcraft is on the list. If you hear a strange sound every now and then on your phone, it's them monitoring you. If your computer blips, it's them downloading your contents. If you see that black or blue Olds driving by with tinted windows, it's them keeping an eye on you.

You just made the list.

03-01-2008, 05:46 PM
ill use a pound or 2 of homemade rdx, nitroglycerine, or c4 and blow up anything that tries to put a chip in me. if they persist ill go into the muntains with a .50 BMG semi auto sniper and a silencer. everything i joke about on anarchist cookbook will turn into reality realllllly quick. pray it doesnt happen, for all our sakes.

I seriously doubt that that kind of law will be passed because more then 30% of the population breaks laws on a daily basis, this number escalates to 70% if its only politicians and law enforcement.

But then again, maybe there are some good candidates for monitoring.

03-01-2008, 06:54 PM
Wow, that's funny. After my last post, my computer started doing some very strange thangs and I could not access the site.

Turned it off real fast, ditched the cell phones, and got out the binos. Gonna be a long night.

03-01-2008, 07:05 PM
It's a conspiracy FVR,and you exposed them,be safe!:eek:

03-01-2008, 08:06 PM
uhm; high density energetic materials... the high school science project...

didn't your mother tell you not to play with explosive nitro-compounds?

03-01-2008, 08:28 PM
Wow, that's funny. After my last post, my computer started doing some very strange thangs and I could not access the site.

Turned it off real fast, ditched the cell phones, and got out the binos. Gonna be a long night.

I've always found that tin foil hats work best.:eek::eek::eek:

03-01-2008, 08:55 PM
We had a lady at work that had the inside of her cubicle lined with aluminum foil because of alien rays from outer space. Other than that, she was completely normal. After a couple of months I stopped by and asked her if she had ever considered that the aluminum foil caused the rays to bounce around inside her cubicle. As near as I could tell it was actually acting like a mirror and concentrating the rays inside her cube. The next day all the aluminum foil had been removed and had been placed on the ceiling instead. I know, I'm bad. The boss was none to happy about it either but it did make for some great conversation in the lunch room.

03-01-2008, 09:06 PM
Too funny. Wonder how she's doing now?

03-01-2008, 11:06 PM
When this takes place the America we all know and love will not be in prower . Earth quakes and storms will break the back of this land . Other Country's will come in to help us . The chips will not be for tracking at first the chips will be used in place of money and ID that is how it will be dune . There is no way that we could be taken bay force . We will give up your freedom gladly for food and protection :(

03-02-2008, 12:08 AM
I don't know how 'the man' would monitor every person in the system anyway. I mean look at how hard it is to catch 'known terrorists' and 'crime lords' and such, much less Joe or Jane citizen. I don't see the resources or coordination to pull that off. Either way I don't think I will have one put in me. Who ever shows up to install it will get mine up their a**. (I'm a giver like that)

03-02-2008, 12:42 AM
I am quite surprised that you fill it would be hard to keep track of you if you need the chip to buy or sale anything , no chip no food no gas , they have you right there . So I ask again what do you do how will you hide ?? Because if your not with them your against them , they will... round you up , and what do you think they will do to all of those they round up ?? :rolleyes::eek:

03-02-2008, 02:09 AM
I am quite surprised that you fill it would be hard to keep track of you if you need the chip to buy or sale anything , no chip no food no gas , they have you right there . So I ask again what do you do how will you hide ?? Because if your not with them your against them , they will... round you up , and what do you think they will do to all of those they round up ?? :rolleyes::eek:

I ain't getting one of those chips. I will not go into details about what would happen but it's along the lines of Beowulfs earlier post. I will be on the news, and to bad for what ever gets in my way.

03-02-2008, 03:18 AM
I am very glade to hear that Sam and all of you but this is not a game ,it will happen some day I hope it is years from now buy if not ??? If it is years from now then we need to teach our kids what to do and how to live off the land that is why this is such a great site

03-02-2008, 04:24 AM
that's funny; i just finished lining my closet in 6mil visqueen, because of mold and bacterial spores...

03-02-2008, 05:33 AM
Smok - You might be right and I don't think it's funny but consider this. You already have a social security number that is specific to you. No number, no job. At least not an above the table job and not one that is apt to be very lucrative. There are laws about that.

You have a drivers license, that's also specific to you. Not to mention hunting and fishing licenses as well as job specific licenses like plumber, electrician, etc.

If you have a waved your credit card (not swiped) to pay for something, have a wireless pass to get through the toll both or wave your company ID to get in the building, you are already using RFID technology.

You're also making the assumption that technology won't change in the next couple of years. It will. that's a given. Already, work is underway and great strides are being made in nano technology. In the next few years, they might be able to implant similar technology when you get your flu shot or that next IV. The same is true of artificial intelligence (I hope to get some of that!). Who knows where the techno world will lead?

Some of you may have read that they now have a device that can be implanted into the brain to allow blind people to see. It's amazing stuff.

RFIDs will be around for a while but newer technology will also be available.

I've asked this before when people make broad statements about the government and I'm not being facetious. Who in the government do you think would want to do that and for what purpose? I don't understand what benefit they would gain in tracking over 303 million people. Just look at the response you've seen on this thread. No one is going to willingly accept something like that. It is too invasive and people WILL see that as the ultimate invasion of privacy.

03-02-2008, 07:10 AM
I am very glade to hear that Sam and all of you but this is not a game ,it will happen some day I hope it is years from now buy if not ??? If it is years from now then we need to teach our kids what to do and how to live off the land that is why this is such a great site

Smok: I do not accept the premise of your statements. I do agree however, that teaching our kids how to live off the land is an important task. I just don't think it is important for the same reasons as you do.

03-03-2008, 02:12 AM
If we ever get the chip, we'll be told that its only for our own good... ill hit the woods

03-03-2008, 06:16 PM
Don"t forget the big no, no, CC permits. Now, ya on file.

03-03-2008, 07:48 PM
ok I give what is or are cc permits FVR ??

03-03-2008, 07:53 PM
Concealed Carry is what I think he is referring to. Mine is a lifetime permit....however short that might be.:rolleyes: