View Full Version : Time for a new game....

12-28-2007, 10:13 AM
Here ya go, you are stranded on a deserted tropical island for the rest of your life, you have the knife of your choice, flint striker and flint, hatchet, 100' of paracord, a 20'x20' oil cloth, there is wildlife abounding all over, and a fresh water strem complete with a nice waterfall.
1. Does this lonelyness bother you?
2. Do you think you can live out your life here?
3.What books would you like to have? No more than 3 (remember your gonna be here forever)
4. Who off of this forum would you like to have with you? (only 1 person with an alternate)
No adding or subtracting from the scenerio. Have fun boys and girls.

Me. 1. No but i'll probably end up a wierd azz freak talking to myself and my surroundings and my invisable friends and driving my partner crazy.
2. Yes with all that. But it will at times be really rough.
3. Pilgrim's Journey Vol. 1, The Bible, Ranger Handbook
4. FVR (He knows his stuff) or Trax
Hope I didn't offend anyone but those two know there stuff and we are very similar in thoughts and things we like. Remember if its for life you'd want compatable people and if I could take all of ya I would. (kinda felt bad for choosing them and not saying why)

12-28-2007, 10:30 AM
1. Does this lonelyness bother you?
Not what I'd want to do but I could handle it. I'd be talking to every plant and rock as well.
2. Do you think you can live out your life here?
Yes. It wouldn't be easy psychologically but you can do what you have to do.
3.What books would you like to have? No more than 3 (remember your gonna be here forever)Bible, The Complete Works of Shakespeare, Special Forces Medical Handbook.
4. Who off of this forum would you like to have with you? (only 1 person with an alternate)No offense but probably no one. I don't know any of you beyond the forum so I don't know what is talk and what is walk. Any more than you all know me. If I had to choose it would probably be Native Dude. Living off the grid would be excellent qualifications. Either way, personality would be just as important as survival skills. It would he** to be stuck with someone you couldn't get along with. I'd rather be stuck alone than in that situation.

12-28-2007, 11:36 AM
#4.) seems to negate #1 as if I've got someone with me then I'm really not alone anymore, right?:confused:

#2.) Time will tell, if I die tomorrow then I've "lived the rest of my life there", right?

#3.) The SAS Survival Handbook, Special Forces Medical Handbook, The Holy Bible.

#4.) 1st choice is Vol (Remy) West, that guy never shuts up so I can always be assured of a conversation, at least a One-sided conversation. Alternative is Rick just 'cause I like to "bust his chops"!:rolleyes:

12-28-2007, 11:37 AM
Chops at your disposal, sire.:D

12-28-2007, 11:59 AM
being alone the rest of my life would be a challenge look at any study that has been done on the effects of solitary confinement.

books would have to be wild edibles of that enviroment and animals and any primitive skills book

i would have my wife firt. if i had to pick off this site as before fvr would come to mind but then again if it was for the rest of my life i would have to take a female.

12-28-2007, 12:27 PM
After the last week dealing with my teens,I would welcome the alone time,peace and quiet.
Any books on wild edibles and medicines.
First choice is Trax,second is Wareagle.

Tony uk
12-28-2007, 01:19 PM
1. Does this lonelyness bother you?
2. Do you think you can live out your life here?
3.What books would you like to have? No more than 3 (remember your gonna be here forever)
4. Who off of this forum would you like to have with you? (only 1 person with an alternate)
No adding or subtracting from the scenerio. Have fun boys and girls.

1. Not really, although at times it might feel lonely
2.I sure could, i would be playing hide and seek with myself after thw first few years tho since i would become a little nutty
3.US Army Survival Manual, US Army Medic Handbook, The Good Book
4. Hmmm To be honest i dont know, all of you guys seem to know your stuff, so hard to chose *An hours goes by* Sarge :D , Because i like his sense of humur.

12-28-2007, 04:11 PM
1. Does this lonelyness bother you?
Not in the least!

2. Do you think you can live out your life here?

3.What books would you like to have? No more than 3 (remember your gonna be here forever)
The Bible, The Art of Travel - Francis Galdon, The complete unabridged NYC phone book (For TP).

4. Who off of this forum would you like to have with you? (only 1 person with an alternate)

Only ONE? But there are several great ladys here who could give me the nagging I would so miss and need!


12-28-2007, 04:13 PM
Don - You da man, man! I'm sure NYC will be proud you chose them over all others. Watch out for paper cuts, though.:rolleyes:

12-28-2007, 04:14 PM
1. Does this lonelyness bother you?
Not in the least!

2. Do you think you can live out your life here?

3.What books would you like to have? No more than 3 (remember your gonna be here forever)
The Bible, The Art of Travel - Francis Galdon, The complete unabridged NYC phone book (For TP).

4. Who off of this forum would you like to have with you? (only 1 person with an alternate)

Only ONE? But there are several great ladys here who could give me the nagging I would so miss and need!


Nagging?? Well thats the one thing the husband says I'm good at....

12-28-2007, 06:33 PM
I of course do not agree with him.

12-28-2007, 07:05 PM
I've been waiting for just the right moment to use this, you know. Ahem. Me me me. "It must really suck to be you." Thank you, thank you. Moments of Deja Vous.

12-28-2007, 07:07 PM
You have no idea Rick.

12-28-2007, 07:12 PM
Oh, man. Now I feel bad. I was just getting even for that same little phrase you whipped on me over Johny Butterbut and then you go and agree with me. (kicks a rock). Jeepers, Nell.

12-28-2007, 10:10 PM
Here ya go, you are stranded on a deserted tropical island for the rest of your life, you have the knife of your choice, flint striker and flint, hatchet, 100' of paracord, a 20'x20' oil cloth, there is wildlife abounding all over, and a fresh water strem complete with a nice waterfall.

1. Does this lonelyness bother you?
2. Do you think you can live out your life here?
3.What books would you like to have? No more than 3 (remember your gonna be here forever)
4. Who off of this forum would you like to have with you? (only 1 person with an alternate)
No adding or subtracting from the scenerio. Have fun boys and girls.

1. Being alone really does not bother me. Longterm, I don't know. As long as I have a soccer ball, I'll be okay.

2. If I have no other choice, yes.

3. The thickest book on Buddhism I can find. For I will need to "want for nothing." Then a thick book with colored pics of plants and vegatation that is edible in that area. Last, I think a book like Gone with the Wind, it's thick and by the time I'm at the end, I will have probably forgotten about the beginning.

4. Off this list, and because "it's not you, it's me." No one. First, no woman as I will be constantly be thinking of ah...........................you know. As far as another man, forever, you can only talk so much and then what? Honestly, I can be a real arse hole, don't matter then what, crazieness, a fight, probably to the death. Then you live out your life, if you can with a senseless death over your head. If you're lucky, you'll be the one killed.

That's why I'm taking the Buddhism book, to be a Buddhist Monk. They always seem so happy, and alone.

12-29-2007, 02:59 AM
1.If it was just me on that island the rest of my life yes it would bother me (hey ill admit it lol ) but I’d deal with it though I’d definitely become loopy, the boredom would also bother me. Now if there were one other person then it wouldn’t be so bad.

2.Well I’d have everything I need to sustain myself it sounds like so probably

3.The Bible, Count of Monte Cristo (been meaning to read that for a while) and a book on edible, medical and useable plants for that area

4.I would base that more on who’s company I’d enjoy then who has the best skills though they’d definitely have to be a sensible person. Someone that has a good sense of humor and interesting conversations would be very much appreciated in that situation. They wouldn’t have to be real talkative though, I can enjoy being in someones company without a lot of talking, I get along best with laid back people, I wouldn’t want to be in that situation with someone whos tense and stressed all the time. Anyone that fits that description would be fine

12-29-2007, 11:30 AM
Missed you Owl Girl! Welcome back!:D

Tony uk
12-29-2007, 11:57 AM
Welcome Back Owl Girl :D :cool:

12-29-2007, 01:05 PM
(((OWL_GIRL))) Glad you're back!

12-30-2007, 03:57 AM
I am not gone to fallow remy.. just not gona do it.. nope ,nope... not gona :D :p

Proud American
12-30-2007, 11:06 PM
I dont even know what remy was talkin about saw the binary and said o crap! THAT is why I want to join the Army not be a computer programar like my Dad.

Want to go with some one but If I was goin to be stuck on a island i dont think I would want to condem any one to my fate. Plus I dont think any of you would take me cause I dont realy know anything......... but on the plus I talk ALOT and i can always learn but I completely understand . I wouldnt take me either. But honestly I agree with Rick you cant tell who can walk and who just talks

Books to bring I dont know ........Army Ranger book nah! No good, the books all about survival but not the survival were talkin about ( no need to lay ambushes and assualt bunkers on a island with only you). I think i would take the Delta forces "Black Book" dont know how useful it would be ...... but I probably am not goin to see it otherwise so ill take IT! Bible is good, got to have somthin to live for if yu dont want to go bonkers! Also a field guide to plants and medicine in the area it is invaluabele.

12-31-2007, 08:55 AM
Oh my God, Remy was just blathering on again. Blah blah blah. What a waste. Just answer the question and stop trying to sound so smart this is a widerness survival forum not your shrinks couch.
And there is more in the Ranger handbook than just ambushes, there
s skining animals, shelter, traps, etc. so it would work.

12-31-2007, 09:16 AM
1. Does this lonelyness bother you?
I'd be alone but not lonely. There be plenty to do. Hunger would be my motivator.

2. Do you think you can live out your life here?
Yea. It probably be a short life.

3.What books would you like to have? No more than 3 (remember your gonna be here forever)

4. Who off of this forum would you like to have with you? (only 1 person with an alternate)
No one. I'm a loner.

12-31-2007, 11:13 AM
Remy's response was very interesting, okay, I had to read it twice but it did make sense.

Remy reminds me of another gent who use to come here, awhile back.

12-31-2007, 11:26 AM
Remy's response was very interesting, okay, I had to read it twice but it did make sense.

Remy reminds me of another gent who use to come here, awhile back.

He does ,doesn't he!:D

Proud American
12-31-2007, 11:34 AM
Ok Beo not bashen you or the Ranger Handbook, checked my copy and counting the mountainering section wich tells you of some useful knots and the survival section(traps,skinning,2shelter,first aid, water purifying,fire starting) this comes to 43 pages.This is out of 218 pages.

My final say Beo with all the survival skills and experience you poses the RHB would probably more then enough a quick reminder would be more then helpful, but for me my logic is wouldnt a book completely dedicated to survival be better then a book that is only 1/5.

But also wanted to say thanks Beo more in that Ranger Handbook than I thought on Survival, havent yet got a chance to read all of it and I thought I had read the whole survival section but I missed a spot!

Assassin Pilot
03-19-2008, 08:01 PM
1: it may bother me slightly, but if I had at least one person w/ me I would be fine
2: sure thing, I've got the basics (food + water + shelter) and even a buddy from these forums so I would be happy
3: the gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (I'm Atheist, the FSM is something that Atheists pretend to worship just for kicks), any good survival guide (focusing on medical stuff quite a bit as well), and a book with lots of 2 player card games.
4: someone preferably under the age of 30, cause I don't want them to die in the first year we arrive or anything. that would leave me pretty darn lonely.

03-19-2008, 08:07 PM
4. Who off of this forum would you like to have with you? (only 1 person with an alternate)No offense but probably no one. I don't know any of you beyond the forum so I don't know what is talk and what is walk. Any more than you all know me. If I had to choose it would probably be Native Dude. Living off the grid would be excellent qualifications. Either way, personality would be just as important as survival skills. It would he** to be stuck with someone you couldn't get along with. I'd rather be stuck alone than in that situation.

but at least you'd have the company until problems arose, and against that eventuality, there's always the added food source...

03-19-2008, 08:08 PM
someone preferably under the age of 30, cause I don't want them to die in the first year we arrive or anything. that would leave me pretty darn lonely.

Or sneak up on you while you are asleep and kill you. Muhahahahahaha.

03-19-2008, 08:11 PM
but at least you'd have the company until problems arose, and against that eventuality, there's always the added food source...

Okay, show of hands. Who's the smallest, scrawniest guy on here. If someone is going to be a food source it ain't gonna be me.

03-19-2008, 08:39 PM
Okay, show of hands. Who's the smallest, scrawniest guy on here.
<Lowering voice an octave>Not me! I'm a big, bluff hearty fellow - why just look at the size of me! No...no, I don't know where all the cushions have disappeared to...why do you ask?

Assassin Pilot
03-19-2008, 09:01 PM
I'm pretty big for a teen and still growing. I'll end up like 6'6" I think (already close). I just gotta work on building arm muscle. At least I can outrun any of you old coops ;)

Just wondering, how fast can you guys run a mile?

My time is 6:14, which is pretty decent. I'm pretty good at long distance w/ my long legs.

03-19-2008, 09:10 PM
I'm really old but I can turn a mile in 6:13 if I was partying hard the night before. I'm a little faster if I have a reason to run. Cops, bears, T-Rex, cannibals. The usual stuff.

Chicago Dan
03-19-2008, 09:22 PM
If the peanut gallery does not object a new guy would like to chime in.

1. Yes a little but probably no where near as most people.
2. What would be the alternative? Kiss a blue ringed octopus. I'm not a
3. SAS survival guide, book on local flora/fauna with uses/applications and
Atlas Shrugged(Its my bible).
4. Sorry I don't know anyone here and frankly unless I can actually look em in
the eye...

03-19-2008, 09:23 PM
that would be me, most likely. anyway, you don't go for the smaller guy, you go the the biggest. sure, he might be more work to catch [though he probably won't run as fast], but all that fat and protein will be worth it in the end. besides, if you chase him long enough, he might just have a heart attack.

03-19-2008, 09:30 PM
I can do a mile at about 2700 fps.

03-19-2008, 09:56 PM
maybe, but you'll never hit me before i can close that range :P

Ole WV Coot
03-19-2008, 10:26 PM
Well I guess about a gallon of fish oil to dump on myself and a bag of chum to hang around my neck and a short swim calling here Sharkie !!!