View Full Version : Vegetable planting question.

04-17-2010, 09:40 PM
I Am moving into a house this week and I have enough room for a garden and I am wondering what I can plant this late in the season, ( for Texas anyway) that wont get smooth burnt up in the heat later in the season. Any ideas?

04-17-2010, 10:29 PM
Late in the season? aggh.
Im still 3 weeks out till the start of the season. even thats iffy.
We have 130 frost free days on average, not neccerially in a row.
your plants may burn up before mine are in the ground.
But for you im thinking, maybe tomatoes, peppers, sunflowers. heat loving plants. But they may need some shade where you are, maybe some netting?

04-17-2010, 11:07 PM
last year we planted first and second weeks in April and a lot of plants ended up burning up, at this house the garden will have about 3 hours of shade right around mid day , So I think Ill plant a row of everything I usually plant and extras of the heartier stuff that is more heat loving.

04-17-2010, 11:12 PM
I got a late start this year because of the late frosts we were having (still not done). Here, peppers (all varieties that I've tried), Heat Wave Tomatoes (small, kind of like cherry tomatoes), radish, carrot, eggplant.

Here's a list that may be useful. http://www.tropicalpermaculture.com/growing-vegetables.html

04-18-2010, 08:41 AM
peas, butterbeans, summer cabbages, squashes.. all the normal stuff we grow are heat lovers. They require a lot of water, but really you just want good morning sun to dry the dew off so mold and fungus don't take over in the heat. if you have some midday shade, that should cover the stuff that doesn't like full, bald-scalding sun. I was always told that morning sun was the most important.

04-18-2010, 07:36 PM
I think lettuce is about the only thing off the list. Perhaps sweet peas. They are pretty fragile. Spinach gets a little iffy when it's really hot, too. The rest should be fine. You have a long enough growing season that you should be okay.

04-18-2010, 10:24 PM
Thanks all for the help and links, I should have the ground tilled and hopefully be planting everything this weekend.